One of my long-time dreams came true yesterday.
A week ago, we saw a beautiful poppy field from the car, and my mind went crazy about it. I couldn't stop thinking that I had to go back with the girls aaand the Nikons. However, there were some issues with the location, so I had to think through the possibilities.
We decided to go at sunrise... which was at 4:40 AM. XD We got up at 3 AM, got dressed, and drove for about an hour to the venue. We had to take the jeep and then walk through some jungle to get there, but it was worth it. The poppies were very tall, reaching one meter in some places, so it took a while until we had enough light. Also, it was hard to find the right spots for the girls in there, but in the end, I am happy with the result.
I have soooo many pics from this photoshoot that I've decided to split them into two posts. Here are Maya, Kida and Delta.

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