It's hunting season, so I bought visibility vests for the girls for our morning walks. It is ugly in the photos, but better safe than... pretty - in this case.
Also there was a slightly bigger investment for their safety lately. They got "the world's safest dog cage" for our future road trips. The almost largest box of Mimsafe, a VarioCage Double XXL is ours, or it's our girls' now. This cage is crash-tested in all directions and fits perfectly in our car. I am not selling these or anything, just happy that we found a Swedish safety cage for our Swedish supersafe car, Iorek (that's his name, yes...).
I thought there would be an adaptation period for the girls, but they are totally fine with it from the first time. Nukka is the only one who can't jump in easily yet. She has a problem with the bumper cover, I'm not sure why, but she is hilarious while trying. XD (There's a picture about that somewhere in the end of this post.)

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